Участие в международных конгрессах и проведение постоянных научно-технических конференций

Министерство науки  и
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Российской Федерации

Российская Академия Наук

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Институт машиноведения
им. А.А. Благонравова
Российской академии наук

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В 2014 г. в ИМАШ РАН организована и проведена международная конференция «Деформирование и разрушение композиционных материалов и конструкций»
  1. A.M.Dumansky, L.P.Tairova. The prediction of viscoelastic properties of layered composites on example of cross ply carbon reinforced plastic / World Congress on Engineering 2007, V.II. - London, UK 2-4 July, 2007. – P. 1346-1351.
  2. A.M.Dumansky, L.P.Tairova. Construction of hereditary constitutive equations of composite laminates / Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics "Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics", June 3-8, Huanshan, China. – DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008. P. 934-937.
  3. A.M.Dumansky, L.P.Tairova. Time-dependent behavior of carbon fibre reinforced laminates / Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced composite materials and technologies for aerospace applications, June 11-13, 2012, Wrexham, North Wales, United Kingdom. – P. 75-79
  4. A.M.Dumansky, L.P.Tairova. Analysis of nonlinear mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates // Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced composite materials and technologies for aerospace applications (ACMTAA, May 13-16, 2013, Wrexham, North Wales, United Kingdom. PP. 66-69.
  5. A.E. Ushakov, A.A. Safonov, A.Kh. Khayretdinov. Design of new pultrusion profile using mathematical simulation/Proceedings of 9th World Pultrusion Conference “Profiting from Pultruded Profiles”. Rome, Italy, 2008.
  6. A.A. Safonov, S.N. Ozerov. Software for automated designing of composite bridges/Proceedings of 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5). Irvine, CA, USA, 2008. - P.213-216.
  7. A.A. Safonov, A.Kh. Khairetdinov and S.V. Dubinsky. Experience in numerical simulation of composite production technologies and manufacturing process/Proceedings of 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5). Irvine, CA, USA, 2008. - P.197-204.
  8. J.V. Suvorova, S.I. Alexeeva. Possible approach to formulation of the dynamical problems in biomechanics/Proc. of Int. Conf. DYMAT, Brussels, 7-11 September. - 2009. – P.923-927.
  9. A.E. Ushakov, U.G. Klenin, T.G. Sorina, A.Kh. Hayretdinov, A.A. Safonov. Pultrusion composites and products with high fire resistance on the base of nanomodified polymers/Proceedings of 2nd Global Pultrusion Conference “Composite Profiles – Engineering & Design”. Baltimore, USA, 2009.
  10. A.E. Ushakov, U.G. Klenin, T.G. Sorina, A.Kh. Hayretdinov, A.A. Safonov. Pultrusion composites and products with high fire resistance on the base of nanomodified polymers in bridge engineering/Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE 17). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2009.
  11. A.E. Ushakov, U.G. Klenin, T.G. Sorina, A.Kh. Hayretdinov, A.A. Safonov. Application of carbon fiber for the manufacturing of bridge elements/Proceedings of 2nd International Carbon Composites Conference in Aerospace Valley 2009. Bordeaux, France, 2009.
  12. A.E. Ushakov, T.G. Sorina, A.Kh. Hayretdinov, A.A. Safonov. Nano additives influence on the properties modification of pultrusion composites/Proceedings of 10th World Pultrusion Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 2010.
  13. B. Dandurand, I. Viktorova, S. Alexeeva, S. Goodson. Problems on Nonlinear Modeling and Optimization for Polymer-Based Composites and Nanocomposites/Proc. of International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-19). Shanghai, China, 2011.